Moirawatch: ArX Twitch Stream 2023.009.05

Schadenfreude and Dueling Reaper

Losing Streaks

ArX goes on a bad lose-streak at GM1 level, which is sadly gratitifying for us who regularly experience loss streaks. What prompted the loss streak? It’s hard to say, but I’ll venture to guess that it was a lack of team synchrony; the other teams just outplayed ArX teams (and perhaps he wasn’t at his best, either).

Vs. Reaper

ArX gives a good explanation of how to play against a Reaper with Moira. You can see it at the 2h:44m mark on the stream above. He explains that it is all about range and sustain – at close-range reaper out-sustains Moira, while at farther range (where more of his pellets are missing), Moira will get greater sustain than the Reaper. That’s another tidbit that should have been obvious, but which I never thought about: Reaper is healed by the number of shotgun pellets that make contact. For this reason, you can also get big benefits from good evasion (including timing-dodging).



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