Moirawatch: Big, aimless losing streak, dealing with spawn camping

Losing Streak and getting spawn camped

We pick up part way through a huge losing streak, which is a very sad place to be in while permabronze.


Our losing streak continues and I wander aimlessly.


At least I got some value here


As the worst part of my losing streak, we kept getting spawn camped…


And spawn camped again. with moira, what is the right move when being spawn camped? the worst is definitely just running out and dying. next worst is trying to heal your team to freedom; if this could have worked, you wouldn’t be getting camped in the first place. best must be using moira’s great mobility to get behind them and sneakily take point. the win is not in getting a score; even at bronze this should not happen. the true win is in getting them to turn around and give up the spawn camping, thereby freeing your team. there is one play goal here: it is paramount that you stay alive, even when you need to leave point. just the threat of you having broken out of the spawn will distract them from doing the complete spawn camp that they were having.

i say this from experience and poor play; although this is the right choice, i failed miserably at staying alive. i didn’t digest the point that staying alive is far and away my first goal; even dreaming of capping the point is insignificant next to it.

life first win!


Finally a win! This came as I stopped flailing around and regained some mentality. I took the easy mentality; I just took “Life First” instead of the harder “Damage and life first (leaning on left-click)", and was able to focus. More wins followed. In Overwatch at Bronze healing is by far the highest value, and the reason life first is good is because of this imbalance peculiar to overwatch. Yes, Damage + Life is a better way, if you can manage it, but when rusty or aimless or having a hard time, just do life first.

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