Moirawatch: ArX Sombra Hint, Nolan mention


Arx carrying heals at GM1 Moira an Hollywood, December 20 2023

Numbers-lie overview

In the numeric support comparison, Arx had about the same heals as the opponent Ana, Knowledge, though almost twice the damage and fully twice the elims. He actually had less damage then every other support in the lobby, and less elims (20) than the opposing Kiriko (26). However, despite the presence of both “Broke Supports,” Ana and Bap, ArX found the sweet spot in which his orbs, coallescence, and off-and-on assassination runs, made it feel almost like a roll over the opposition.

A key vs Sombra: awareness

A fun game where a GM1 ArX sort of stomped it. One of the nice tid-bits was when ArX was asked about how to play Moira against a Sombra. It was nice to hear the GM perspective which corroborated my own experience. He said that playing against Sombra is about the awareness: listening so that you can fade as soon as hack/virus starts, and knowing not only where Sombra is, but knowing where she could be (timing wise).

Nolan and DPS Moira

He was also asked about Nolan, a top Moira player who has off-and-on hit #1 (and #2 with a twin account) in the Support rankings, loudly proclaiming that it was too easy. He talked about talks he would have with Nolan and notes they would compare about playing Moira. ArX mostly agreed with Nolan’s hyper-DPS style; the major difference is that ArX plays DPS in bursts, returning after a DPS action to heal his team. Nolan plays DPS Moira full-time.



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