Moirawatch: Trying more DPS Moira

I must become a confident dueler with Moira

Nepal: Bad DPS try, good enough

Are my numbers misleading?

Once again my numbers are suffering as I try to DPS more, but we did win again, so maybe the numbers are misleading.

Moirajacked, so very bad Zen until Moira too late

out played, but then I had a very bad Zen

What happened? In the first round I was Moirajacked so I did a very, very bad zen. They did a D.Va and, among other failings, Zen can’t escape D.Va bombs.

2nd round I hurried on to the Moira and got my numbers to a more respectable place. I didn’t even have my kit fully used with Zen; I wasn’t doing great at keeping healiing up, and was very slow at Discord. At least he was quite good at taking out turrets, though.

2nd round they went Hog, and he ate my lunch.


Bronze-rolled, and I didn’t help much.

sad way to end the evening. Our team was utterly out-played. Only our Sombra mostly stayed alive.



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