Moirawatch: Season 9 Moira



Despite ArxUK griping, there is new nuance is season 9. First and foremost, For everyone tactics revolve around tactical disengagement. Disengage allows both the universal passive healing to kick in, and the DPS passive debuff to wear off so you can be healed properly by your support.

Second, I think fade cleanses the DPS debuff, so as Moira you have one chance to regain your sustain, knowing it can be reinflicted instantly.

I see two repercussions of this for Moira.

  1. a well placed damage orb has the effect of delaying the universal heal passive
  2. against DPS our single, sustain-enabling fade is crucial, including during coalescence. You will either get out of DPS sights, allowing full self-heal, or provide perhaps another second of full self-heal, which might be the difference between life and death.

Moira cannot tank if enemy DPS are involved. And there can be no clutch healing until opposing DPS are out of the equation. This means that DPS must be targeted so support can do their job. Watching my other favorite streamer, Mercy OTP GM Eley Zhau1, we see further illustrated the point that Season 9 is all about the DPS. That is not a bad thing overall, but Arx is right that Moira’s orbs and coallescence need to be buffed to keep value with the universal buffing that every hero got, and the fact that Moira’s Grip (right click) is better than Coal right now. The fact that orbs still do their pre-health-buff maximums seems like an oversight, as they are barely able to heal even one squishy to full now. Arx suggested that their max may not need to be increased, but their rate (damage or healing) could be much increased. Also, this patch seems to be as bad for tanks as for supports. Tanks are constantly attacked by DPS, meaning they are continously almost unhealable. This has been very bad for Mauga, for instance, and ruins Junker Queen’s sustain. This has led to perhaps more Hammond, who is able to easily disengage, and perhaps D.Va for the same reasons.


1 Zhau posts her games at and is struggling but keeps a good attitude through Season 9, “not a good season for Mercy.” I honestly love the textual, voiceless content she makes. Personally, I think that now would be a good time for Mercy to be restored to her “Super Mercy” Season 6 status. It would be fitting if Mercy were the only support capable of clutch healing vs DPS.



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