Jennifer Finlayson-Fife: Sex Worth Wanting

Playfulness, Freedom, and Adaptation

An excellent interview in which Dr. Finlayson-Fife discusses, among other things, the value of playfulness and freedom in intimacy, and how crucial it is to be honest (and hence vulnerable) with your spouse and with yourself. She shares several good stories, one involving “the best text you’ve ever sent me” when a wife finds the bravery to be adventurous, and the story of a couple whose individual stress-coping life strategies were negatively complementary to eachother, suggesting a vicious cycle; recognizing their individual habits and implicit strategies was crucial to trying to break this cycle. Also discussed were the demands of motherhood and how the different phases of motherhood can require adapting, and some ways she adapted when she was dealing with a special needs child in the young-children phase of life; as Dr. Finlayson-Fife pointed out, any job that requires 24/7 engagement is going to produce burn-out.

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