Moirawatch: first game with Illari

First game with Illari

Spending th first moments downloading the new content revealed what it was: with the game on Antarctica, both teams were using Illari, the new support, and we saw pylons all over. It seems like a decent roll-out, meaning that the untrained probably-bronze players had about the same score as I had in both damage and healing. The pylon’s rate of healing was not oppressive (well-placed orbs were no less effective, though surely a little more carefully executed), and I couldn’t help but think of her rifle as a really big pea-shooter. On this and the next game I got hit by her ult several times, but my fade completely negated it (like many other ults; this is one of the glories of fade, which gives unique value as a support). Overall the worries that the release would be a debacle (like Life Weaver) or over-powered (maybe like Kiriko) seem to be unfounded; my first experience of the character (admittedly at Bronze) was just fine; not over-powered but not terrible, even in completely new hands.

Game 2: solid better team, remembering life-first

We had a simply better team, and focusing on life-first just made me a better player (at damage, too). Although a healbot Kiriko out-healed me, my 22 elims and 14 assists mean that I don’t feel bad. Our poor tank really suffered, despite the win…

79% bronze – how high can a permabronze go?

After the Illaris made their appearance on both teams on Antarctica, there was no one new in our team. I reranked as the permabronze afterwards, showing that I was ahead of 79% of Bronze 5. I want to see how close I can get to 100%, so I can be king of Bronze 5!



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