Moirawatch: ArX vs PrimeA10 Reaper Twitch

ArX pleased with Moira play, but GM Reaper OTP

Beginning the GM1 match


On Kings Row ArX plays against a Reaper OTP. This funnily promps the chat to ask, “is Reaper ok at GM level?”

“is Reaper ok at GM level?”

Funny because PrimeA10 was almost carrying his team – he was the force to be reckoned with. Ranking wise, we see that PrimeA10 has a numbing GM1 with only more than a 10-1 win rate1. I also thought it interesting to see him farm Ult against Moira, standing almost still and exchanging hits for a moment in an alley because his Death Blossom was paying such dividends all game long. At the end it was interesting that by the numbers, ArX’ team should have won, except that the elims that the opposition managed were at the right time and the right place (twice Death Blossom devastated ArX’ team and wiped out the healers). Interestingly the opponent Moira, Rekt, was playing a nearly healbot Moira (top heals in the lobby) vs ArX DPS Moira (more elims than anyone on the other team including PrimeA10, and still best heals on his own team). It truly lends credence to ArX’ adage that numbers are useless (at least at top level).

In conclusion, a strange case of almost every number better for all the ArX team, but still a loss


1 Check out the hard-to-believe GM1 winrate of A10Prime with Reaper, also playing Soldier76 presumably against Pharah and others Reaper struggles to reach.



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